Adopt A+ Grants

Each year, the Education Foundation Board of Directors awards grants to Virginia Beach schools for innovative and creative programs that benefit students. Each teacher-designed project is aligned with the school division’s strategic framework. Schools are awarded funds through a blind review application process, which means no information pertaining to the school is included.

Beach Bags

The Beach Bags program provides shelf-stable meals and healthy snacks to students who might otherwise go hungry during weekends and over school breaks, including the long summer breaks. Since the program was founded in 2009, more than 154,000 Beach Bags have been distributed. 

The House Students Built

Eleven single-family dwellings have been successfully planned, financed, constructed, and sold since the Education Foundation’s inception. The 12th House Project at 1512 Indiana Ave. in Virginia Beach is under construction.

The link below includes a materials list for items needed.

VA Star

Students in the Computer Systems Technology class at the Advanced Technology Center refurbish donated computer equipment from individuals, nonprofits, faith-based organizations, state agencies and private companies. students work toward earning industry-standard certifications, which can pave the way for both higher education and well-paying jobs.